
Rogue One : A Star Wars Story [2016] : Fan Service yang juga Propaganda Anti White Supremacist

4:19 PM
In a Galaxy, far far away... Dalam tulisan saya sebelumnya, ekspektasi tinggi malah membuat sebuah film yang saya tonton terasa antiklimaks. Namun, hal itu sama sekali tidak berlaku bagi Rogue One : A Star Wars Story. Berbekal ekspektasi yang tinggi menjulang, Rogue One membayarnya dengan suguhan yang melampaui batas ekspektasi itu. Rogue One, buat saya, jadi penutup 2016 yang tak terlupakan. Berbagai promotional...



Headshot [2016] : Perhatian, Ini Bukan The Raid

1:14 PM
Bunuh!! Dan tikam!!! Mengasah kultur belati!!! Pawai rayakan nyeri!!! Penggalan lirik lagu Deadsquad - Dominasi Belati langsung mengalir deras di otak saya begitu nonton trailer Headshot beberapa bulan lalu. Darah, muka babak belur, sayatan-sayatan pisau Iko Uwais, sampai peluru-peluru terbang di sana-sini. Semua ke-gory-an itu membuat jantung saya berpacu kencang. Namun, sekejap semua berubah drastis. Wajah Chelsea Islan yang lebih lucu dari biasanya...



Sunya [2016] : Eksperimen Spiritual Harry Dagoe yang Lama Dinanti

4:27 AM
Setelah lama tidak menapaki lantai bioskop, akhir November ini saya beruntung sekali bisa hadir di Jogja Netpac Asian Film Festival 2016. Dari sekian banyak film yang ditayangkan, saya sangat tergoda untuk menonton Sunya karya Harry Dagoe yang sudah lama tidak kita lihat karyanya. Kembali menjelma menjadi sutradara film independen, Harry Dagoe kali ini membawakan sebuah film yang diadaptasi dari cerpen Eka Kurniawan yang...



Taxi Tehran [2016] : Understanding the Invisible Truth in Iran

3:10 AM
Jafar Panahi is a reputable film director from Iran. His bravery to portrait reality throughout Iran had caused him pay a massive cost for it. He is well-known for films like Offside [2006] and The Circle [2003], apparently Iran's government are concerned and didn't like the way Panahi showed what really happened in daily Iran. Since 2010, Iran's government have made him under...



Warcraft [2016] : What the hell is wrong with Warcraft movie?

9:04 AM
SUGOOOI!!! Finally after years of waiting!!! As a World of Warcraft player and a fan of its franchise, the day Blizzard announced the movie's release date would be the day to remember. It was on November 6th last year when Blizzard released the trailer. Wow... every World of Warcraft player must have been crazy about it. The trailer was tense, vigorous, and Ramin...



Captain America : Civil War [2016] : Things I love and I don't

6:08 AM
First of all, this long-awaited movie is as awesome as it is said. There were thousands review about it so I'm not gonna make it an usual one, I'll make it straight to the point. From my high expectation, "Captain America : Civil War" absolutely exceeded it, it was a remarkably brilliant movie, the best movie Marvel has ever made. But still, beside...



10 Cloverfield Lane [2016] : Badass Way to Embrace the Apocalypse

4:45 AM
[WARNING : SPOILER ALERT] First of all, 10 Cloverfield Lane is not a sequel of Cloverfield [2008], like Abrams told us in some interviews before. It's like another story happened in the same event outside Cloverfield movie itself. And in fact, 10 Cloverfield Lane seems to be 2016's most underrated movie, especially in Indonesia. Hey, today (just ONE day after its release day...



The Liebster Award 2016

6:40 PM
Wow, it's amazing to receive such an honor from the highly-respected blogger (Sinekdoks / Paskalis Damar). I know my blog is barely an infant in the world of movie blogging and that awesome guy nominated me this award. (The force is too strong with that guy, I can't even help my excitement to get it over. Sorry for this norakness, I feel incredibly...



Our Little Sister [2015] : Menjadi Manusia

7:06 PM
Setahun sejak pengumumannya, akhirnya film Our Little Sister yang diadaptasi dari manga Umimachi Diary pun rilis Juni 2015. Kesuksesan adaptasi miniseri manga feminim itu pun juga diprediksi bakal menuai kesuksesan setelah ditunjuknya sutradara kenamaan Hirokazu Koreeda (Nobody Knows [2004], Still Walking [2008], I Wish [2011], Like Father Like Son [2013]) untuk menahkodai jalannya film ini. Koreeda dikenal mampu merangkai drama yang diarahkannya menjadi...



The Lobster [2015] : Menertawakan Sifat Binatang pada Diri Manusia

1:16 AM
Iseng berselancar di situs rekomendasi film, akhirnya tergoda buat nonton The Lobster. Setelah sekilas liat para aktornya dan sederet penghargaan yang diraih, kayanya optimis buat ngabisin malam minggu dengan nonton film yang oke. Lucunya, film komedi satir ini tak harus melucu untuk mendapat gelak tawa, meski harus diawali dengan tatapan bingung dan gelagat "Oooh... gitu....!!" sebelum benar-benar tertawa. Awalnya, untuk menonton sebuah film,...


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